Student Finance, Or What Does Financial Aid For Life, School And Childcare In Great Britain Look Like After Brexit

On January 31, 2020 at 24:00 CET, Great Britain left the structures of the European Union. The most emotions were caused by the “to leave” referendum, as well as the subsequent scuffles between the EU and UK. Virtually everyone, including Polish students, expected negative consequences of this situation. What has changed after Brexit in terms of university studies?

Changes, Changes, Changes

The UK authorities have not reached an agreement on trade issues with the European Union. In the end, the split was bitter for both sides, and cooperation in the field of trade in goods was transformed. On the one hand, this is an opportunity for the government to revise existing trade agreements. On the other hand, some corporations may move to the continent. The situation is dynamic, and the effects of Brexit – both positive and negative – will continue to materialize for a long time to come.

After Brexit, people with pre-settled or settled status, as before, will be able to receive financial assistance for tuition and maintenance. Unfortunately, those who do not have the status of “settled” will not receive financial support for studies in Great Britain. It is worth noting that the tuition fees for Europeans remain unchanged.

The tuition fees at universities in the UK are as follows:

  • £ 9,250 for each year of undergraduate studies;
  • approx. £ 7,000– £ 11,000 for the entire Master’s degree, depending on the field of study;
  • from £ 24,000 – £ 35,000 must be paid by students outside of Europe.

The cost of studying in the UK may seem like a lot. Investing in yourself is the best decision! Moreover, the diploma of British universities enjoys respect and recognition all over the world. Entrepreneurs know that UK university graduates are highly skilled and well suited to work. Therefore, after disconnecting from the EU, the diploma of English universities is even more valuable. 

Prestigious British universities must meet a number of guidelines to maintain their status. One of them is the degree of internationalization of the university. This criterion appears in virtually all international university rankings. The decline in prestige, especially when compared to US education centers, would be unacceptable. After all, education in the UK is an important element of the country’s economy.

Universities And The British Economy

In the UK, universities are not only education, but also money. Universities account for a significant share of the revenues of the state economy. A large number of students from continental Europe and elsewhere in the world generate substantial incomes and keep many jobs. Dropping non-UK students would mean less cash flow and less prestige for the schools. The authorities in London prevented such a scenario.

As it turns out, Brexit is not so terrible! Many students want to take their first steps in a new profession in the UK. For the government, this means, above all, more tax revenue to the Kingdom’s coffers. Even if some people leave their studies immediately or a few years after graduation, leaving universities open to visitors brings the state more benefits than losses. This is good news for you. Do you already know what you want to study? Check out popular majors. 

Financial Aid For Undergraduate And Year Zero In 2022

If you have been living in England for over 5 years or working in the UK, you have a good chance of getting a good loan. You can use the funds for maintenance, i.e. renting an apartment, a room in a dormitory, as well as food, clothing and teaching aids.

The loan amount is:

  • approx. £ 12,500 for people living in London;  
  • approx. £ 9,500 for people living outside London. 

There is a possibility of default on the loan. The debt will be canceled if, after graduation, your earnings while working in the UK do not exceed £ 27,295 gross per year . If you work in Poland after graduation and your annual salary does not exceed £ 16,380 gross a year (approx. PLN 90,000), you will not have to pay back the loan either.

There is no obligation to borrow money for maintenance. However, for many people who want to devote themselves to study or work less while studying, it is a great help. Equally useful is help funded by the child.

What Is The Repayment Of Financial Aid For Students?

After exceeding the aforementioned income thresholds, there is a need to repay the loan for maintenance or tuition fees. How to calculate the amount of repayments? This is best illustrated by an example.

Study Case:You work in the UK, so your income threshold is £ 27,295. 
Your annual income is £ 28,295. 
Earnings above the above-mentioned threshold, in this case £ 1,000, will be charged 9% annually to pay off the loan. 
As a result, the annual amount is just £ 90.

Even with small incomes, the repayment amount is tailored to your abilities. If you are better off, 9% of the £ 10,000 excess above the threshold will not be severe. At the same time, nothing prevents you from paying off the loan from lower earnings or paying more than the required installment. The conditions are very flexible , and this is a very convenient solution for the home budget.

Financial Support For A Child Or Children

Many people who have children want to go back to college or start over. Probably your goal is to raise your competences, which will allow you to find a better paid job, as well as the opportunity to pursue a profession that you really like. In this ambitious pursuit, financial aid for a child is a great help. You can spend it, for example, on a kindergarten or a babysitter when you leave for classes. It is a practical and very useful form of support.

Types of child support:

  • non-returnable support up to £ 1,800 per year;
  • bezzwrotne wsparcie na opiekę nad dzieckiem lub dziećmi:
    • do ok. £9 000 rocznie, jeśli masz jedno dziecko; 
    • do ok. 17 000 rocznie, jeśli masz dwoje lub więcej dzieci.

Such financial support is a solution that is useful for virtually all parents. You don’t have to wonder what to do with your toddler when you are in class. You can afford a babysitter or a kindergarten. You can be sure that your child is in good hands and you can easily focus on your studies. 

Visa For EU Students

Pre-settled or settled people do not need visas. However, from 1 January 2021, EU students coming to the Islands will need them if they stay longer than 6 months. 

A new visa, the so-called The Student Route was created on the basis of a point system. In addition to the study place offer, the applicant will have to meet the English language skills requirements. Moreover, students will be required to prove that they have a lot to live on and how to pay for their studies.

Studies In The UK After Brexit

The withdrawal of the UK from the European Union is in many respects an important event for the entire community, but also for the world. The effects of this decision are felt by the people of the Isles, as well as those who wish to visit them or trade with British companies. The changes, although formally small, also affected students.

In the case of settlers, the conditions for financing studies and obtaining support for maintenance or a child have not changed. On the other hand, people who come to one of the British universities, but do not have the aforementioned status, will have to pay for their education and subsistence out of their own pocket. 
Despite these adversities, Great Britain is a direction worth considering. A diploma from one of the national universities is still a valued document all over the world that opens many doors. The key to them is studying in the field of your choice. Check what your options are.


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