Study In The Field Of Business Management. A Great Adventure In The Business World Is At Your Fingertips!

Management is one of the most extensive fields of science. It combines various disciplines such as finance, psychology, human resource management and law. As a manager or specialist, you are responsible for the overall range of processes, activities and decisions that are expected to lead the organization to its goals. Studies in Business Management may be the beginning of your path or a good way to broaden your competences. Take the challenge! 

What Is Management?

When you search for “management” in a search engine, you will get over 26 million articles on the subject. Full review of the definitions is very difficult, but the future student should know what he is facing.

The PWN dictionary states that management is: “a set of activities aimed at achieving a specific goal related to the interest (need) of a given subject of management, implemented in the following sequence: 

planning (selecting goals and ways to achieve them and specifying relevant tasks and deadlines for their implementation); 

organizing (allocating and providing resources necessary for the implementation of planned activities, in a way that guarantees effectiveness and efficiency of management); 

leadership (directing, motivating to cooperate during the implementation of tasks); 

controlling (constant monitoring of progress and making corrective decisions) “. 

A similar division is used by Ricky W. Griffin in his book “Fundamentals of Organizational Management”, where he broadly describes the theory and gives interesting real-life examples. The reading will be useful for all students who want to learn more about Business Management, regardless of their specialization.

What Specializations Can You Choose At Business Management?

The choice of a career depends largely on the specialization. Some management lines are very different from each other. It may be difficult for an HR focused person to lead the finance department and vice versa. In what field do you want to specialize? Check the available options. 

From General To Detail, I.e. Business Management Specializations

  • Company management is primarily the knowledge of the methods and techniques used to manage the enterprise, also on international markets. People after graduating from this field of study most often run their own companies or are contract managers who plan and organize processes in a given organization.
  • Financial management prepares students to make financial decisions in enterprises. Most often they are related to investments, risk management, as well as capital acquisition and its flows. The graduate will be able to cope with the structures of both smaller and international companies. After managing finances, you can become an analyst, financial controller, as well as a financial specialist in the company.
  • Human resource management will enable you to work in the HR or human resources department. The graduate is well versed in labor law. Due to the almost constant contact with people, knowledge in the field of psychology is also useful in carrying out everyday duties. An additional advantage will be the ease of establishing contacts, which facilitates conversation with employees and helps to assess their attitude to work.
  • Quality management provides knowledge on the development and implementation of quality control systems in the company. Graduates will find work as auditors or specialized managers in many departments of the organization.
  • Project management is a direction that has gained in popularity in recent years. It includes planning, implementing and administering the tasks that must be performed to achieve the objectives of a given project. As Project Manager, you are responsible for the motivation of the project team and its efficient communication. You increase the chances of successfully completing a task – such a person is needed in almost every industry! Among the best-paid representatives of this profession are employees of the IT industry.
  • Management in public administration allows you to find a job in various national and international state institutions. By studying in this field, you gain knowledge that is useful in public administration, politics and the economy. You are well versed in the political and economic situation in the world. You move freely around the issues of legal regulations. You are a specialist who can act as a consultant, adviser or manager in a public sector organization or a non-profit organization.
  • Global Business Management is a fusion of international business management and law. Every company needs a person who can lead an HR team, organize financial matters, conduct negotiations, and maintain good relations with contractors. A graduate of this field of study will find a job in commercial companies that cooperate with foreign countries, in consulting companies and international corporations.

It is worth knowing that management opens the way not only to the world of finance and human resources, but also to tourism, marketing, economics and law. The entertainment industry also needs specialists. Events Management or Fashion Marketing are areas that allow you to meet many interesting people, travel and take part in international cultural and sports events. This will allow you to work with the best in a given industry!

Where Can You Find Post Management Jobs?

After graduation, you have many paths to choose from. As a graduate, you gain access to interesting professions and industries within your specialization. Almost every company, corporation or marketing agency needs people like you! 

You can find a job as:

  • company finance specialist;
  • specialist in the IT industry;
  • department director, e.g. finance or HR;
  • Project Manager;
  • specialist in human resource management (HR);
  • board member responsible for international expansion;
  • expert in public administration.

You have the opportunity to obtain employment in almost any industry that interests you. Moreover, you are not limited to choosing one field. It is important to be genuinely familiar with a given issue and to provide value to collaborating persons and entities. With the appropriate knowledge, everything is possible, and you will get it during your studies!

Earnings After Management

The amount of annual earnings depends on the industry in which you operate, your qualifications, i.e. knowledge and skills, and often experience and reputation. The spread of the salary range after graduation in management is very large. As a CFO you can earn anywhere from £ 30,000 to £ 105,000 with the UK average being £ 85,000 per year.

Contrary to appearances, not as a financial director you can earn more, but as a marketing director. Average earnings for this specialization are £ 88,000 per year. In turn, the managing director, i.e. the person who manages the company, earns an average of £ 123,000 a year, and the salary range for this position ranges from £ 42,000 to £ 143,000.

However, the data mentioned are only examples. After all, you can earn less, but also a lot more. Much depends on your skills, knowledge and experience, which may prove invaluable to someone. In this case, your income will significantly exceed the upper brackets. On the other hand, when you successfully develop your own company yourself, as they say – sky is the limit .

Business Management Is An Adventure Of A Lifetime

You will spend half of your life at work. For some people it is a necessity, but for many it is an opportunity to develop their passions and interests. Some may be fascinated by the world of finance, while others may be fascinated by work in one of the creative industries such as marketing or IT. Thanks to this, you broaden your interests and cooperate with people who are passionate just like you. You take part in interesting projects, and a good salary ensures safety and allows you to enjoy life. Adventure awaits. Start in your chosen direction . Spread the sails and off you go!


On Key

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