Accounting And Finance

Accounting and Finance – what jobs can you do after graduating from this degree course in England?

You’ve made up your mind – you’re going to graduate with a degree in Finance and Accounting from a UK university. You have always loved mathematics and have been meticulous and accurate in your calculations. However, after some time you have had doubts.Will a career in this sector be profitable for you? Will you be able to climb the ladder in the UK? What jobs can you do after graduating with a degree in Accounting and Finance? Do you need to take further training? We want to allay your fears and tell you more about the prospects you have when you graduate from Accounting and Finance. And these look really promising…What jobs in the UK after Accounting and Finance?
Wondering what profession you can choose after graduating with a degree in Accounting and Finance in the UK? You can start working in both the private and public sectors. Look out for open recruitments from accountancy firms, building societies, banks (including investment banks), insurance companies, management consultancies or public sector employers. Which positions can you apply for?

Occupations among which Accounting and Finance graduates are in demand include: Accounting and Finance, to

  • dyplomowany księgowy (chartered accountant);
  • dyplomowany certyfikowany księgowy (chartered certified accountant);
  • dyplomowany księgowy ds. zarządzania (chartered management accountant);
  • dyplomowany księgowy finansów publicznych (chartered public finance accountant);
  • sekretarka firmy (company secretary);
  • audytor zewnętrzny (external auditor);
  • księgowy dochodzeniowy (forensic accountant);
  • makler giełdowy (stockbroker).

Positions where knowledge of Accounting and Finance is useful include: Accounting and Finance, to

  • specjalista od ubezpieczeń (actuary);
  • arbiter (arbitrator);
  • menedżer ds. Rozwoju Rynkowego (business development manager);
  • analityk danych (data analyst);
  • ekonomista (economist);
  • specjalista ds. własności (licensed conveyancer);
  • konsultant ds. zarządzania (management consultant);
  • doradca hipoteczny (mortgage adviser);
  • kierownik ds. zakupów (procurement manager);
  • bankowiec detaliczny (retail banker);
  • doradca podatkowy (tax adviser).

You may also be self-employed and offer financial and accounting services to others. What qualifications are worth having to work in the UK after studying Accounting and Finance?
In terms of your educational background, you should have a degree in Accounting and Finance if you work in the finance sector – but that’s not all. It’s worth considering a specialisation that will make you a more attractive candidate for recruitment. To do this, it is worthwhile to undergo additional courses and training 

What are the most commonly required professional courses to work as an accountant?

  • Qualifications Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) – these consist of two levels: Fundamentals and ProfessionalsModules cover a variety of topics, from corporate and business law to auditing.
  • Professional qualification Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) – oversees the widely recognised CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant), which requires you to already hold a postgraduate CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (Cert BA).
  • Qualifications Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualifications – consists of four qualifications at three levels (levels 2-4), combining industry knowledge and practical on-the-job skills.
  • Chartered Accountant qualification ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) – also known as ACA; this qualification involves 450 days of practical work experience and the completion of 15 examination modules.

Who are finance and accounting jobs in the UK for?

For many people, working in the finance sector is considered monotonous, boring and lacking in challenge. Nothing could be further from the truth! It is one of the most promising industries. You need to constantly develop and update your knowledge in it. That is why you will find yourself in finance and accounting if you love to keep up to date with industry news.What is more, people with strong analytical and interpretative skills will find themselves in this industry. If, in addition, you have a love of mathematics and complex calculations are not a problem for you, this is the sector for you. Accuracy is the second desirable quality in this profession.What are the salaries in the financial and accounting sector in England? Of course, it depends on many factors including:

  • experience,
  • education,
  • courses taken,
  • the size of the company,
  • industry.

Graduates who choose to work as an accountant can expect to earn up to £40,000 a year. The average annual salary for an experienced employee is around £84,500, with an average annual bonus of £17,300. The prospect seems attractive, doesn’t it?Are you just out of high school and wondering how to steer your career? Or maybe you already have some experience but are not fulfilled in your current job and would like to change something in your life? Do you dream of changing your surroundings and trying your hand abroad? Maybe studying Accounting and Finance in the UK is your chance. 

Check out the offer available and sign up for your first classes with us today!


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Accounting And Finance

Accounting and Finance – what jobs can you do after graduating from this degree course in England? You’ve made up your mind – you’re going