Are Graduates Of Arts Faculties In Demand On The Labor Market?

Ubiquitous technology is constantly evolving and requires engineers to maintain dynamic growth. Apart from the pressure of the environment, there is also the one from relatives. The “good advice” suggests studying popular fields of study. It can be aggravating. What if you don’t feel this is the way for you? If you are more interested in painting canvas or 3D graphics design, check your options.

“Art is the queen of all sciences that impart knowledge to all generations of the world” – Leonardo da Vinci

Artistic Directions And The Pressure Of The Environment

A doctor, lawyer or computer engineer are professions that will allow you to do a lot of good for society, and at the same time give you attractive earnings. However, acquiring knowledge in a given field may be very difficult for you. This is overlapped with the expectations of your loved ones so that you continue the family business. If your results in this field are average, then the wave of dissatisfaction from your surroundings can be overwhelming. 

For many people today, art has devalued and has no value for them. The same people who advise you against your art studies will admire with admiration the new design of the iPhone, the body line of your favorite car brand or the architectural gem in the form of a house on the lake shore. Someone had to come up with them, design them, and then present their vision to the contractors. That someone could be just you!

Where to start? Preferably choose the field of study which best suits your interests. Thanks to this, you will deepen your knowledge and see if this activity is for you. However, there are many more benefits.

Why Is It Worth Studying Art & Design?

Whether you paint pictures or design houses or their interiors, you use your imagination. It is necessary in the creative process, as is the circulation of blood in your body for normal functioning. By choosing art studies, you become a co-creator operating in a creative environment . In such places, amazing ideas and ideas are born that can delight and help people all over the world.

One calligraphy enthusiast used his passion for aesthetics to change the computer industry. As he himself said: “If I had never quit my studies, I would not have signed up for calligraphy, and personal computers might not have beautiful typography.” That someone was Steve Jobs who gave the world a lot of font designs and proportionally spaced characters on computer screens. Jobs and Wozniak breathed life into Apple.

In a creative environment, you can play with form. You have many opportunities to express your ideas. Turn them into a sculpture, create graphics or animation. Put what’s on your mind on paper. When you’re done, show your creation to people who are unrelated to your passion and those who share it with you. Only in this way will you know how a given creation will be received, and this is invaluable feedback.

What will you gain from studying arts?

  • Creative environment;
  • valuable acquaintances;
  • the possibility of experimenting with various forms;
  • support from experienced practitioners;
  • interesting and well-paid job;
  • unlimited challenges.

Burj Khalifa Fathers

Adrian Smith, Marshall Strabala, George J. Efstathiou are the architects who designed the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Not everyone has a chance to take part in a venture of this class. Perhaps you can do it? It’s worth a try! However, not only big projects are something you can strive for. 

When you design houses, you give people functional spaces. If you are involved in interior design, you make the residents feel comfortable. In turn, the art that you create with passion fills the household members with emotions. Depending on your specialization, you can meet different customer needs. This shows that micro-scale action is just as important as creating unusual structures.

Architecture is ubiquitous. Perhaps you are one of the people who will improve the image of urban infrastructure to make agglomerations more friendly to their inhabitants. Create improvements that will improve the functionality of houses and apartments. Design a facility or sculpture to add splendor to your local park. Spread your wings in a creative environment! 

It’s Not Just The Interior That Counts

India Mahdavi works in architecture and interior design. Many creations for hotels, restaurants and bars around the world have come out of her pencil. Examples include the Condensa DF Hotel in Mexico or London’s The Connaught recognized as the best bar in the world . Mahdavi also designs furniture. She opened her three showrooms on Rue Las Casas in Paris, France. Their operation best describes the term “show-room”. You can find a show interior design there. It consists of furniture and installations that add splendor to the interior, which came from the designer’s pen and brush.

The Connaught Bar In London

Not everyone has a developed sense of aesthetics , and yet almost everyone wants to live in beautiful spaces. Someone has their own vision of the interior, but does not know how to transfer it to reality. Another person has no idea how to create a comfortable interior for himself. This is where you, an interior designer , who understands the needs of your customers, come in. If you add creativity and functionality to it, the space will charm future household members or hotel guests.

A society that is getting richer has the resources to afford an interior designer. This is an opportunity for you and a niche where you can spread your wings.

Art In The Digital World

Aesthetic sense and good looks aren’t just reserved for the real world. Web users need ways to stand out from the crowd. This phenomenon is increasingly seen in computer games. For example, in Fortnite, the player can choose from hundreds of so-called skins, i.e. characters that differ in appearance, clothing and accessories. The studios employ graphic designers who design such variations of heroes. The gaming market is constantly evolving, so this is one of the directions worth exploring.

Computers offer more options than just creating game characters. There is more and more talk about the Metaverse, on which a company with, among others, Facebook. Although it is still far from the mass launch of the service for users, there is still a need for creators who will develop the aforementioned world.

Another interesting project is Metahero which combines cryptocurrencies and new technologies. The company allows you to scan your figure and transfer it to the digital world. The functionality will allow you to enter the world of games, but also, for example, try on clothes in a virtual store. The service will reduce the number of returns and make shopping easier for customers.

Become one of the creators of innovative solutions! There are many specializations in computer graphics, so you will surely find something that interests you. Thanks to this, you will have a real impact on the development of the e-commerce market, marketing, technology companies, and many other industries. Importantly, after studying arts, you can find a job in these companies. For a creative person, nothing is impossible!

Artistic Directions And The Labor Market 

Graduates of art faculties find employment in marketing, e-commerce or even in creating computer graphics. You don’t need to write code and build applications to work in the high tech industry. In addition, the market needs specialists who will organize the architecture in cities, improve the functionality of houses and apartments, and finish them aesthetically. 

You have many career paths to choose from. You are faced with interesting challenges and unforgettable adventures. The first step will be choosing a field of study . This is the beginning of your new life!


On Key

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