Choose To Study In Biomedical Science And Discover The Potential Of Genetic Engineering. The Market Needs Experts!

The world is changing fast. Until recently, the home office was available to a small group of employees. The global pandemic has changed the picture of reality and today no one is surprised that someone works from home. However, this is only an example, because changes are taking place in many areas, including science. The 21st century also shows significant progress in the development of biomedicine and genetic engineering, and the market constantly needs specialists. You can become one of them!

What Is Biomedical Science?

Biomedicine is a science that combines various research directions. These include medicine, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacy, microbiology and bioinformatics. This field provides the instruments needed to conduct clinical and research studies that focus on the foundations of disease development and treatment.

Biomedicine is used, inter alia, in in diagnostics, treatment of diseases, as well as prevention. What’s more, specialists in this industry also deal with the legal regulation of medical issues. These activities are reflected in the Convention on Human Rights or the European Bioethics Convention. Experts also take part in the creation of regulations regarding in vitro fertilization and human cloning.

What Is Genetic Engineering?

Nature is amazing! Reptiles have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. Jellyfish, on the other hand, can rejuvenate, clone and regenerate the damaged body. Will people have similar skills? For years, scientists have been working on improving the human body. Already today, stem cells are used to heal many glides and save lives. Genetics can help with this additionally.

For many years, farming has been used to cross breeding plants . This is to improve some of their features, e.g. increase plant resistance to drought, improve milk yield in cows or accelerate weight gain in beef cattle. However, until recently, attempts to breed varieties with specific parameters were time-consuming.

Modern technology has contributed to the progress in genetic engineering. It is now possible to obtain organisms with the desired characteristics. With the help of biotechnology, it is possible to change, delete and even replace genes between organisms. This means that animals, and eventually humans, will be able to receive a gene that, for example, will immunize you against a given disease or restore full fitness after a stroke.

Bioengineering Earnings

The salary range is very large and depends on several factors: knowledge and skills, as well as the workplace. You can expect different rates in university positions than in private organizations. In addition, employers provide non-wage benefits that bring additional value to employees. What are the earnings of bioengineers?

Annual salary of a bioengineer:

  • From £ 25,655 to £ 31,534 starting salary in the NHS;
  • From £ 32,306 to £ 39,027 – a person with experience or specialist knowledge;
  • From £ 40,057 to £ 53,219 – Senior Biomedical Scientist.

However, these are not the maximum salary levels. Biomedical consultants at the peak of their professional careers can earn much more. Their earnings are in the hundreds of thousands of pounds. Moreover, if you work in or around London, you can get an area benefit ranging from 5% to 20% of your basic salary.

In addition to earnings and benefits, there are also other advantages of the work of a bioengineer. You have contact with specialists from various industries and the opportunity to expand your knowledge in your chosen specialization. Cooperation in an international environment is prestigious and an opportunity to create breakthrough solutions for various medical disciplines.

Develop your career at one of the British universities. Enroll in your chosen field of study and follow your chosen path.

Where To Find A Job After Biomedical Science?

Graduates in bioengineering and genetic engineering will find employment at universities, research institutes, the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology companies . Higher education allows you to work in public administration, in state institutions related to health protection, and even as a medical patent attorney.

After completing your bachelor’s degree, and then master’s degree, you may be tempted to pursue another academic degree, i.e. a doctorate. This way you will have the opportunity to work at a university or in national and international research institutions. Thanks to this, you will conduct scientific research that will help expand knowledge about human health.

Similar activities await you in the biotechnology industry. Research assignments and obtaining patents are very exciting and challenging. In addition, you have the opportunity to be promoted and take up a management position. 

What Does Biomedical Science Study Include?

During your studies you will gain interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of, inter alia, histology, anatomy, physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, microbiology and genetics. The information will help you understand the methods used in diagnosis, treatment, disease monitoring and research.

This course is an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and valuable friendships. In your daily work, you will most often work in a laboratory. Scientists have access to technologically advanced equipment. You will find yourself in a team consisting of medical scientists, doctors and nurses. This allows you to quickly update your knowledge and, at the same time, set the direction in which you want to develop.

Financial Assistance, I.e. Student Finance

Brexit changed the rules for granting aid. Currently, people with pre-settled or settled status can apply for support. If you have it, you have the opportunity to get financial support worth a total of up to several thousand pounds. Do you want to know more? Read the article on our blog: Student Finance, or what does financial aid for life, school and childcare in Great Britain look like after Brexit. 

Remember that you can go to university at any time in your life. If you want a better paid, ambitious and interesting job, getting higher education opens up new opportunities for you. Shorten the working time or leave it in order to start studies in the chosen field of study. The education and support system in the British Isles is very attractive to residents and ‘settlers’. Colleges are happy to collaborate with students and are in many ways very flexible. Thanks to this, you can reconcile studying with your daily duties, even if you are a parent.

The Market Needs Experts!

The advancement of technology has led to the development of other disciplines, including medicine. In the 21st century, surgery made a big leap in development. Thanks to this, the techniques of laparoscopic access, which are now widely used in hospitals, became popular. There are also other examples.

3D printing is enjoying a growing interest of scientists related to medical sciences. Thanks to this technology, combined with e.g. computed tomography, it is possible to print the operated organ and accurately trace its location or innervation. The materials used in 3D printers also replace bone elements. Some materials are bioabsorbable, which favors the creation of more advanced and safe prostheses and implants.

The market needs specialists who will work on innovations, but also those who will implement them and apply them in practice. If you dream of an interesting and well-paid job, and at the same time you are interested in biomedical studies, studies will be the first step to your dream career. Sign up today!


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