Kamila Żak In Forbes! Motivation Academy With The Title Of Business Leader

On April 1, 2022 at the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw, the 4th Ceremonial Gala “Leaders of the Future & Family Firms” was held under the media patronage of Forbes Polska magazine. The organizer and host of the event was the international editorial office of CEOWORLD Magazine. The event was co-organized by the Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

The founder of Motivation Academy, Kamila Żak, appeared at the Gala of Leaders of the Future. The Chapter of Business Forum and CEOWORLD Magazine awarded her company with a prestigious award in the “Business Leader” category.

The “Business Leader” award is a great distinction for Motivation Academy, as well as a motivation for further hard work. At the same time, it proves that the company breaks down barriers, overcomes obstacles and creates better solutions for its customers. Kamila Żak systematically develops the company, provides valuable educational services, and at the same time inspires others to act!

Many famous people also appeared at the gala, incl. Ewa Chodakowska with her husband Lefteris Kavoukis, Agustin Egurrola and Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan. During one of the panels, Chodakowska and Kavoukis agreed that the leader of the future is a person who considers good and human life the greatest values . The trainer said that you don’t have to be born a leader, but you can become a leader. She had important advice for future leaders: “[…] look for an environment and area where you feel comfortable and that is compatible with YOU. Only then do you have a chance to be effective, not only in action, but also in being an authentic and strong leader ”.

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked. Leadership is defined by results, not qualities ” – Peter F. Drucker, ekspert ds. zarządzania 

You can read more about the Gala of Future Leaders in the article in Forbes Store .


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